Your search returned 2 results.

Winning hearts : leading Buddhists to faith in God / edited by Gregory Whitsett and Amy Whitsett.

by Whitsett, Gregory | Whitsett, Amy.

Publisher: Thailand : Global Mission Centers, 2016Other title: leading Buddhists to faith in God.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 266.673/W623-1.
Ministering to mourners : funeral rituals & christian witness in East Asian contexts / edited by Gregory Whitsett and Amy Whitsett.

by Whitsett, Gregory | Whitsett, Amy.

Publisher: Sliver Springs, MD : Global MIssion Center for East Asian Religions, 2015Other title: funeral rituals & christian witness in East Asian contexts.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (2). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 266.673/W623.
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