Your search returned 14 results.

Sociology: A global perspective 7E = Test bank / Joan Ferrante

by FerranteJoan.

Edition: 7th ed.Publisher: Belmont,CA : Thomson Wadsworth Thomson Wadsworth , 2008Other title: Test bank.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 301/F373/V.5.
Sociology: A global perspective 7E = Instructor's resourse manual / Joan Ferrante

by FerranteJoan.

Edition: 7th ed.Publisher: Belmont,CA : Thomson Wadsworth, 2008Other title: Instructor's resourse manual.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 301/F373/V.3.
Sociology: A global perspective 7E / Joan Ferrante

by FerranteJoan.

Publisher: Belmont,CA : Thomson Wadsworth , 2008Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (2). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 301/F373/V.2/CD.
Psychology = Concepts&connections / Spencer A. Rathus

by RathusSpencer A.

Edition: 8th ed.Publisher: Belmont,CA : Thomson Wadsworth, 2007Other title: Concepts&connections.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 150/R235/8th ed..
Sociology: A global perspective 7E = Practice tests / Joan Ferrante

by FerranteJoan.

Edition: 7th ed.Publisher: Belmont,CA : Thomson Wadsworth, 2008Other title: Practice tests.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 301/F373/V.4.
Sociology: A global perspective 7E = Study Guide / Joan Ferrante

by FerranteJoan.

Edition: 7th ed.Publisher: Belmont,CA : Thomson Wadsworth, 2008Other title: Study Guide.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 301/F373/V.1.
Sound and sense: an introduction to poetry / Thomas R. Arp,Greg Johnson

by (Arp, Thomas R.) | (Johnson, Greg).

Edition: 11th ed.Publisher: Boston : Thomson Wadsworth, 2005Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 801.9/A772/11th ed..
The least you should know about English, writing skills, form A. / Paige Wilson,Teresa Ferster Glazier

by Wilson,Paige | Glazier,Teresa Ferster.

Edition: 9th ed.Publisher: Boston : Thomson Wadsworth, 2006Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 428.2/W752/9th ed..
The least you should know about vocabulary building: word roots. / Teresa Ferster Glazier,Laura D. Knight,Carol E. Friend

by GlazierTeresa Ferster | Friend,Carol E | Knight,Laura D.

Edition: 5th ed.Publisher: Boston : Thomson Wadsworth, 2005Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 421.54/G553/5th ed..
An introduction to language / by Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman, and Nina Hyams ... [et al.].

by Fromkin, Victoria | Rodman, Robert | Hyams, Nina.

Edition: 7th ed.Publisher: Boston, MA : Wadsworth : Thomson, 2003Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 400/F931/7th ed..
Communication between cultures / Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter, Edwin R. McDaniel

by Samovar,Larry A | Porter,Richard E | McDaniel,Edwin R.

Edition: 6th ed.Publisher: Belmont, CA : Thomson Wadsworth, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 302.4/S1914/6th ed..
World civilizations : general education 110 / by William J. Duiker and Jackson J. Spielvogel.

by Duiker, William J | Spielvogel, Jackson J.

Publisher: Mason, OH : Thomson Wadsworth, 2008Other title: general education 110.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 909/D873/V.1.
An introduction to language / by Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman and Nina Hyams ... [et al.].

by Fromkin, Victoria | Rodman, Robert | Hyams, Nina.

Edition: 8th ed.Publisher: Boston, MA : Thomson Wadsworth, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 400/F931/8th ed..
World civilizations II : general education III at Washington State University / by William J. Duiker and Jackson J. Speilvogel.

by Duiker, William J | Speilvogel, Jackson J.

Publisher: Mason, OH : Thomson Wadsworth, 2006Other title: general education III at Washington State University.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 909/D873/V.2.
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