Your search returned 173 results.

The best of "these times"

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1957Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 240.02/W237.
Night chase / Cheryl Herbert

by (Herbert, Cheryl).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1977Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 青少年讀物區(Youth Materials) J/028.5344/H536.
Gems from storyland / Norma Norris

by (Norris, Norma).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1958Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 青少年讀物區(Youth Materials) J/028.5344/N857.
The final crisis and deliverance

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (2). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 232.6/W583.
Final events on planet earth / Norman Gulley

by Gulley,Norman.

Publisher: Southern Publishing Association, 1977Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 220.15/G166.
Bible readings for the home

Edition: revised ed.Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1967Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 220/R454/1967.
Miracle of the microphone / Bill Oliphant

by Oliphant,Bill.

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1966Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 254.3/O47.
No forty-hour week / Goldie Down

by Down,Goldie.

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1978Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 362.1/D748.
True temperance : An indictment of the liquor traffic / Ellen G. White

by (White, Ellen G.).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association Other title: An indictment of the liquor traffic.Availability: Items available for reference: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) [Call number: R/W/TTe] (1). Location(s): 懷氏著作 R/W/TTe.
Jesus the man / Edward W. H. Vick

by Vick,Edward W. H.

Publisher: Southern Publishing Association, 1979Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 232/V636.
Along sparkling paths / Enid Sparks

by (Sparks, Enid).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1964Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 青少年讀物區(Youth Materials) J/028.5344/S736-1.
Bessie bee / Irene Lefler

by (Lefler, Irene).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1972Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 青少年讀物區(Youth Materials) J/028.5344/L493.
The predicament of evolution / George McCready Price

by (Price, George McCready).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1925Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 575/P945.
A call to medical evangelism and health education / Ellen G. White

by (White, Ellen G.).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1954Availability: Items available for reference: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) [Call number: R/W/MEHE] (2). Location(s): 懷氏著作 R/W/MEHE.
Story of Jesus / Ellen G. White

by (White, Ellen G.).

Publisher: Tenn. : Southern Publishing Association, 1949Availability: Items available for reference: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) [Call number: R/W/SJ] (1). Location(s): 懷氏著作 R/W/SJ.
Happiness homemade / Ellen G. White

by (White, Ellen G.).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1971Availability: Items available for reference: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) [Call number: R/W/HaH] (1). Location(s): 懷氏著作 R/W/HaH.
Son of the Vikings / Josephine Cunnington Edwards

by (Edwards, Josephine Cunnington).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1972Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 青少年讀物區(Youth Materials) J/028.5344/E26-1.
Montana meadow star / Alice Wiles Bartlett ; illustrated by Jim Padgett

by (Bartlett, Alice Wiles) | (Padgett, Jim).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1965Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 青少年讀物區(Youth Materials) J/028.5344/B289-1.
The hard way / Dorothy Lockwood Aitken

by (Aitken, Dorothy Lockwood).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1969Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 青少年讀物區(Youth Materials) J/028.5344/A311-2.
John Harvey Kellogg, M. D. / Richard W. Schwarz

by (Schwarz, Richard W.).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1970Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 926.7/S411.
The walking river and other stories / Mary Branch

by (Branch, Mary).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1969Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 青少年讀物區(Youth Materials) J/028.5344/B816.
Seeking his lost sheep / Fordyce W. Detamore

by Detamore,Fordyce W.

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1965Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 253.7/D479.
Life's realities / D. A. Ochs

by Ochs,D. A.

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1965Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 252.4/O16/1965.
Preachers of righteousness / Roy Allan Anderson

by Anderson,Roy Allan.

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1963Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 251/A549.
Happiness in Christian living / William Benjamin Ochs

by Ochs,William Benjamin.

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1957Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 252.4/O16/1957.
Drama of the ages / William Henry Branson

by Branson,William Henry.

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1953Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 268.67/B823/1953.
Night scenes in the bible / Daniel March

by March,Daniel.

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (2). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 220.9/M315.
Bible footlights

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1924Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 220.07/B582.
The swellings of Jordan / Lynden Kent

by (Kent, Lynden).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1959Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 818/K37.
Mission : Possible / Gottfried Oosterwal

by Oosterwal,Gottfried.

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1972Other title: Possible.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (3). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 266.673/O59.
The legion of the tenth / Carlyle B. Haynes

by Haynes,Carlyle B.

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1956Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (2). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 254.8/H424.
The challenge of child evangelism / R. R. Breitigam

by Breitigam,R. R.

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1950Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 253.7/B835.
From Exodus to advent / Morris Venden

by Venden,Morris.

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1980Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 248.48/V452.
The security of salvation / Richard Nies

by Nies,Richard.

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1978Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 234/N676.
When God splits the atom / Carlyle B. Haynes

by Haynes,Carlyle B.

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1951Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 220.85/H424/1951.
The art of bible counseling / Glenn A. Coon

by Coon,Glenn A.

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1968Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 253.5/C775.
The compleat marriage / Nancy Van Pelt

by Van Pelt,Nancy.

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1979Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 301.42/V217.
Pony boy / Pearle Peden ; drawings by Jim Padgett

by (Peden, Pearle) | (Padgett, Jim).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1963Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 青少年讀物區(Youth Materials) J/028.5344/P123.
With long life / Penny Estes Wheeler

by (Wheeler, Penny Estes).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1978Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 808.803/W564.
Choice stories / D. A. Delafield

by (Delafield, D. A.).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1965Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 808.83/P128.
A guide to better living : Ways to health and happiness

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1949Other title: Ways to health and happiness.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (2). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 613/S727.
The dignity of a child / Thelma Beem

by (Beem, Thelma).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1965Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 649.1/B414.
Sam Gaw / Irene Parker

by (Parker, Irene).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1966Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 青少年讀物區(Youth Materials) J/028.5344/P239.
The Waldenses / Joe Maniscalco

by (Maniscalco, Joe).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1966Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 青少年讀物區(Youth Materials) J/028.5344/M278.
If I have twelve sons / Goldie Down

by (Down, Goldie).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1968Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 青少年讀物區(Youth Materials) J/028.5344/D748-2.
At the forest's edge / Ernie Holyer

by (Holyer, Ernie).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1969Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 青少年讀物區(Youth Materials) J/028.5344/H761-2.
Norman's ark / Thelma Norman

by (Norman, Thelma).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1971Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 青少年讀物區(Youth Materials) J/028.5344/N843-1.
So what's there to live for? / Theodore Carcich

by Carcich,Theodore.

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1972Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 242/C265.
Last-day delusions / Allen Walker

by Walker,Allen.

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1957Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 291.2/W177.
Faith and works : Sermons and articles / Ellen G. White

by (White, Ellen G.).

Publisher: Tennessee : Southern Publishing Association, 1979Other title: Sermons and articles.Availability: Items available for reference: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) [Call number: R/W/FW] (1). Location(s): 懷氏著作 R/W/FW.
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