Writing well / Donald Hall
by (Hall, Donald). Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1976Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 808.042/H174.
Manual of obstertrics : Diagnosis and theraphy / ed. by Kenneth R. Niswander
by (Niswander, Kenneth R.). Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1980Other title: Diagnosis and theraphy.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 618.2/N727.
Trends and tragedies in American foreign policy / ed. by Michael Parenti
by Parenti,Michael. Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1971Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 327.73/P228.
The white plague : Tuberculosis, man and society / Rene and Jean Dubos
by (Dubos, Rene) | (Dubos, Jean). Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1952Other title: Tuberculosis, man and society.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 616.995/D817.
Cases in comparative politics / James B. Christoph,Bernard E. Brown,Gerard Braunthal
by Christoph,James B | Brown,Bernard E | Braunthal,Gerard. Publisher: Canada : Little, Brown and Co., 1965Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 320.5/C556.
Heavyhands : The ultimate exercise / Leonard Schwartz
by (Schwartz, Leonard). Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1982Other title: The ultimate exercise.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 613.71/S399.
Essence of decision : Explaining the cuban millile crisis / Graham T. Allison
by Allison,Graham T. Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1971Other title: Explaining the cuban millile crisis.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 320.5323/A438.
The elusive enemy : American foreign policy since world war II / Simon Serfaty
by Serfaty,Simon. Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1972Other title: American foreign policy since world war II.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 327/S483.
Years of upheaval / Henry Kissinger
by (Kissinger, Henry). Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1982Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 973.924/K61.
Patterns of exposition 10 / Randall E. Decker
by (Decker, Randall E.). Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1986Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 808.0427/D295.
Sue Barton : Student nurse / Helen Dore Boylston
by (Boylston, Helen Dore). Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1952Other title: Student nurse.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 813/B792.
Looking at ourselves : An invitation to psychology / James Geiwitz
by GeiwitzJames. Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1976Other title: An invitation to psychology.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 150/G313.
The unheavenly city : The nature and future of our urban crisis / Edward C. Banfield
by Banfield,Edward C. Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1970Other title: The nature and future of our urban crisis.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 301.364/B215.
Crisis in American institutions / Jerome Skolnick,Elliott Currie
by Skolnick,Jerome | Currie,Elliott. Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1973Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 301.6/S628/2nd ed..
Barnet & Stubbs's practical guide to writing / Sylvan Barnet,Marcia Stubbs
by (Marnet, Sylvan) | (Stubbs, Marcia). Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1975Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 808.06/B259.
The master builders / Mary H. Wade
by (Wade, Mary H.). Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown, and Co., 1935Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 920/W119.
Pediatric primary care / Catherine DeAngelis
by (DeAngelis, Catherine). Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1979Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 618.92/D284/2nd ed..
A short guide to writing about literature / Sylvan Barnet
by (Barnet, Sylvan). Edition: 5th ed.Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1985Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (2). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 801.95/B261/5th ed..
The joy of life / Philip B. Kunhardt Jr.
by Kunhardt Jr.,Philip B. Publisher: Canada : Little, Brown and Co., 1989Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 779.2/K96.
Profitable small business computing / Frank Greenwood
by (Greenwood, Frank). Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1982Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 651.84/G816.
Outrageous good fortune / Michael Burke
by (Burke, Michael). Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1984Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 796.092/B959/1984.
Nursing theory : Analysis, application, evaluation / Barbara J. Stevens
by (Stevens, Barbara J.). Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1979Other title: Analysis, application, evaluation.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 610.73/S844.
Problem-oriented medical diagnosis / ed. by H. Harold Friedman
by (Friedman, H. Harold). Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1979Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 616.075/F911/2nd ed..
Crisis in American institutions / ed. by Jerome H. Skolnick,Elliott Currie
by Skolnick,Jerome H | Currie,Elliott. Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1970Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 301.6/S628.
Child and adolescent development / Mary J. Gander,Harry W. Gardiner
by GanderMary J | GardinerHarry W. Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1981Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 155/G195.
Victory in Europe : D-day to V-E day / Max Hastings
by (Hastings, Max). Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1985Other title: D-day to V-E day.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 940.5/H358.
Manual of dermatologic therapeutics with essentials of diagnosis / Kenneth A. Arndt
by (Arndt, Kenneth A.). Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1979Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 615.578/A747.
Educational psychology : An introduction / Steven V. Owen,H. Parker Blount,Henry Moscow
by Owen,Steven V | Blount,H. Parker | Moscow,Henry. Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1978Other title: An introduction.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 370.15/O97.
The childbearing family : A nursing perspective / Mary Ann Miller,Dorothy A. Brooten
by (Miller, Mary Ann) | (Brooten, Dorothy A.). Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1977Other title: A nursing perspective.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 610.73678/M649.
The clinical practice of medical-surgical nursing / Marjorie Beyers,Susan Dudas
by (Beyers, Marjorie) | (Dudas, Susan). Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1977Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 610.73/B573.
Manual of clinical problems in cardiology : With annotated key references / L. David Hillis,Jack E. Ormand,James T. Willerson
by (Hillis, L. David) | (Ormand, Jack E.) | (Willerson, James T.). Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1980Other title: With annotated key references.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 西文書區(English Books) 616.12/H654.