Your search returned 12 results.

法律與生活 = Law and life / 李洙德,楊莉時合著

by 李洙德 [合著] | 楊莉時 [合著].

Edition: 一版Publisher: 臺北市 : 華立圖書, 2004[民93]Other title: Law and life.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 中文書區(Chinese Books) 580.3/4032.
民法概要 = Introduction of civil law case and material : 理論與實務 / 劉瀚宇編著

by 劉瀚宇 [編著].

Edition: 五版Publisher: 臺北市 : 華立圖書, 2003[民92]Other title: 理論與實務 | Introduction of civil law case and material.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 中文書區(Chinese Books) 584.03/7233.
中華民國憲法 = The constitution of the Republic of China / 陳建榮編著

by 陳建榮 [編著].

Edition: 五版Publisher: 臺北市 : 華立圖書, 2004[民93]Other title: The constitution of the Republic of China.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 中文書區(Chinese Books) 581.21/7519.
民法 = Civil law:case and material : 理論與實務 / 蔡輝龍,洪麗鈞編著

by 蔡輝龍 [編著] | 洪麗鈞 [編著].

Edition: 一版Publisher: 臺北市 : 華立圖書, 2004[民93]Other title: 理論與實務 | Civil law:case and material.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 中文書區(Chinese Books) 584.01/4490.
投資學 = Investments / 梁榮輝著

by 梁榮輝 [著].

Edition: 一版Publisher: 臺北市 : 華立圖書, 2003﹝民92﹞Other title: Investments.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (2). Location(s): 中文書區(Chinese Books) 563.5/3799.
議事民主理論與實際 / 王堡麗著

by 王堡麗 [著].

Edition: 一版Publisher: 臺北市 : 華立圖書, 2004[民93]Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 中文書區(Chinese Books) 572.67/1021.
新聞英文 = News English / 汪萬里編著

by 汪萬里 [編著].

Edition: 一版Publisher: 中和市 : 華立圖書, 2005﹝民94﹞Other title: News English.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 中文書區(Chinese Books) 805.18/3146.
行銷學 : 理論與實務 / 李育哲、張朝旭合編著

by 李育哲 [編著] | 張朝旭 [編著].

Edition: 一版Publisher: 臺北市 : 華立圖書, 1997﹝民86﹞Other title: 理論與實務.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 中文書區(Chinese Books) 496.01/4005.
台灣史 = Taiwan / 李筱峰,林呈蓉編著

by 李筱峰 [編著] | 林呈蓉 [編著].

Edition: 一版Publisher: 臺北市 : 華立圖書, 2004[民93]Other title: Taiwan.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 中文書區(Chinese Books) 677.22/4082-1.
行政秘書管理實務 = Administrative professionals / 石詠琦、上官飛鳳合編著

by 石詠琦 [編著] | 上官飛鳳 [編著].

Edition: 一版Publisher: 臺北市 : 華立圖書, 2005﹝民94﹞Other title: Administrative professionals.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 中文書區(Chinese Books) 493.9/1001.
組織行為 = Organizational behavior / 許南雄著

by 許南雄 [著].

Edition: 一版Publisher: 臺北市 : 華立圖書, 2006﹝民95﹞Other title: Organizational behavior.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 中文書區(Chinese Books) 494.20141/0844.
導覽解說實務 = Practice of tour guiding and attractions interpreting / 陳炳輝著

by 陳炳輝 [著].

Edition: 四版Publisher: 新北市 : 華立圖書, 2016﹝民105﹞Other title: Practice of tour guiding and attractions interpreting.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育高中圖書室(TAA) (1). Location(s): 中文書區(Chinese Books) 992.5/7599.
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