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As the twig is bent / Kenneth Jernigan

By: Jernigan, Kenneth.
Publisher: USA : National federation of blind, 1992Description: 116 p. 17 am.ISBN: 0962412244.DDC classification: 362.41
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西文青少年讀物 西文青少年讀物 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library)
青少年讀物區(Youth Materials)
J/362.41/J55 (Browse shelf) Available E0010826
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J/360/1044/V.4 觀念生物學(4) / J/361.5/4062 青蛙 : J/362.41092/W853 Connie's new eyes / J/362.41/J55 As the twig is bent / J/362.1/4012 綠竹、秋蟬與亞當史密斯 / J/363.728/W429 Toxic waste : J/363.019/0745 看漫畫,學遺傳 /

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