(Casler, Ken)

Business assignments Eight advanced case studies with vedio / [VHS] : Eight advanced case studies with vedio Ken Casler,David Palmer - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1989 - 2 videocassettes + 1 information file + 1 teacher's notes + 1 deskwork

Cassette one, IPSA industries/Cougar Japan/Chocolats memlinck/HAL information systems--Cassette two, Editions comenius/Royce Lytton foods/Jaudel France/Microtron Italy

0194583376 (videocassette)
三育基督學院 | 南投縣私立三育高級中學 圖書館
開館時間:週一至週五 AM8:00~PM12:00, 週一至週四PM1:30~PM5:30
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