(Brown, Harry)
What the poem means = 詩的意義:英美名詩千首導讀 : Summaries of 1300 poems / Summaries of 1300 poems 詩的意義:英美名詩千首導讀 Harry Brown, John Milstead - Expanded ed. - Taipei : 書林, 2002 - 424p.
NT$250 (pb)
What the poem means = 詩的意義:英美名詩千首導讀 : Summaries of 1300 poems / Summaries of 1300 poems 詩的意義:英美名詩千首導讀 Harry Brown, John Milstead - Expanded ed. - Taipei : 書林, 2002 - 424p.
NT$250 (pb)