柯翰D. Cohen吉恩Gene
熟年大腦的無限潛能 = The mature mind:the positive power of the aging brain = The mature mind:the positive power of the aging brain The mature mind:the positive power of the aging brain The mature mind:the positive power of the aging brain - 初版 - 臺北市 : 張老師, 2007﹝民96﹞ - 193面 - 心靈拓展系列 ; D147 .
9789576936883 (平裝) : 新台幣250元
熟年大腦的無限潛能 = The mature mind:the positive power of the aging brain = The mature mind:the positive power of the aging brain The mature mind:the positive power of the aging brain The mature mind:the positive power of the aging brain - 初版 - 臺北市 : 張老師, 2007﹝民96﹞ - 193面 - 心靈拓展系列 ; D147 .
9789576936883 (平裝) : 新台幣250元